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Vray ghost flashes on my deadline.


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Well, im pretty new to vray rendering and trying as hard as I can to make a really cool panorama walk around. I will post the result when this is finished, but what is going on with the roof and the roof shadow on the left??


I see some flash of light, which appears to be only here in this frame and not the one next to it. Also the roof is showing some strange dark patterns?


Please any tips and C&C are really helpfull.



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What mode are you using during calculation of the irradiancemap, Zeilveen?


This splotches/flashes, and lot's of other annoyances, mostly occure when you've calculated a single frame map while the best mode is to calculate incrementals over a certain amount of frames along the cam-path...




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Thanks Guys,


Yep, you are right, its buckets for the squar shadow bits. Too much time went into little things and tuning and forgot to change this one.

Rendering one frame with AR map gives an ok image, this one is also showing way too much shadows. I will try incrementals tonight and see what happens with it.


Much appreciated thanks,



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