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wireframes in 3dsMax


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I'm very interested in getting some images together that have a wireframe overlay and wondered if anyone here had some suggestions? The superb looking ArchInteriors have some samples on their site that show the sort fo thing I mean - you get the texture, shadows etc AND the wires, with some of the objects semi transparent.


A mult-pass render perhaps? but how do you render hidden line removal wireframes 3dsMax?




like this:



or this:





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It looks like there are two passes. One is a rendering with lighting and a plain white material applied. The other is just a standard wireframe rendering. The wireframe doesn't have any hidden lines.


In max, under the scanline renderer you can "force wireframe" which will give you black lines and a white background. From the same view, just render another pass with a white material and the lighting you want.


In photoshop lay the wireframe over the other. Change the wire frame's layer to "multiply". You can then mess with the opacity/brightness etc of that layer to make the lines gray not black.



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thanks notamondayfan, yeah I noticed this one seems to only render static images tho...


You could also clone your objects and apply a lattice modifier to them, use "struts only" and adjust the radius to smooth out the lines. This will give you a hidden-line look vs. the "x-ray" look.
nice idea I'll give it a try...
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