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archicad into viz


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when i take a model into viz, one of the weird things it does is produce incomplete and zig zag shadows. this seems only the case with area shadows. ray trace seems fine it think.


Anyother question is when i brought the model in, i like to view it buy useing the hand grap tool and zooming in and outwith my mouse wheel.

However it seems to only zoom in and out for huge distances meaning when i get close to the model is seems to go past too quick and i get just grey screen. I'm pretty sure the units are good so i'mconfused? If i scale up the model its fine. Do i have to make the model tiny in archicad and scale it up in vizto get it to work? Surely not there must be an answer!


Weirdly enough. on another subject. i have just got back into archicad after finding it a bit difficult in viz. However now, i am thinking if i stuck with it in viz, it is some much quicker and easier to model. I can cut shapes out in any view port. it means i don't have to keep making library parts in plan. Hmmm i wonder if its cos i've just started using archicad again and have to get back into it.

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