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Speed up rendering from Mac formZ (PC? 3rd Party renderers?)


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Note: I'm asking this for a friend who does interior architecture and object (furniture and glassware) design for a living. I'm not a formZ user myself, but I'm merely acting as a messenger due to language barriers.


My friend is using formZ on a Mac G4 /1 GHz to make visualizations of the designs he does for clients.


While he likes and is practically grown into formZ after several years of having taught it and used it professionally, he's falling short in getting adequate rendering times.


So, a few questions on getting more horsepower or tricks to speed up those three day batch renderings:


- Is it possible to use MacOS version of FormZ send a batch render to Windows machine via network, which will then separately render the image without hampering the performance of the Mac?


- If so, does this necessitate buying another license of formZ for the Windows machine doing the rendering (probably does, at least the way I've understood it, but I have to make sure)?


- which PC platform would you recommend as a cost effective alternative for rendering only: Athlon64, AhlonXP or lower end P4 (based on formz forums, all are much faster than G4 anyway)?


- Apparently current formZ isn't very good in utilizing dual cpus when rendering, am I right?


- Are there yet any third party rendering software that can take formZ files/export without any and render good quality radiosity images of them fast?


- Any other options or tricks to speed up rendering (in general), except buying cheaper PC hardware to do the rendering itself or using 3rd party external rendering software?


I'd appreciate any/all replies.


Please note that it may take me some time to answer, as I have to translate any questions and wait for answers.




best regards,


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I'm not sure about your friends license, but mine (V4) is hardware protected (dongle). It is also cross platform, meaning I can install it on multiple computers but only use it on the one with the dongle. If your friends is the same, he can use it on a PC no problem.


I have never used the network rendering in FormZ, but from what I understand, V4 has a net renderign server app and a client app. The client app is freely installable on all available computers. From what I understand, FormZ 4 can net render frames from an animation and it can also bucket render sections of still - meaning several computers can render the same image and be done quicker.


Like I said, I've never installed these components, but that is my understanding.


In regards to the speed difference, my 2.6ghz P4s render about 2.5X faster than my 1.25ghz PowerBook. FormZ will crash more on a PC tho.


If your friend is interested in rendering with other software, he is in luck. FormZ has incredible export options. He can link into just about any other 3D app on the market. Personally, I model in FormZ and render in Cinema 4D XL - a very popular choice on the Mac side. Lightwave would also be another good choice on the Mac.

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Go to http://www.formz.com . The forum is very helpful and the tech support guys will answer very quickly (I was pretty impressed).


I've used the network rendering, but not with a Mac. But I also believe that it is possible. They tell you to have at least 3 computers going for it to make a difference. It is nice working on one, sending the render, then keep working while the others render, without getting up.

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