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What happened to VizDepot?

Matt McDonald

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There was talk at one time of bringing it back online but that has stopped (AFAIK) so I believe the Vizdepot is down for the count at this point. I'm disappointed at how it went offline without any notice because I had some info on there I would have liked to have archived before it went away. :/

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I spoke to Russell this morning and the site should be up so I think there are some underlying issues with their host. He'll have to look into it as he has always been able to get to the site. Once I hear back from him I'll let you know. I can't access the site either.

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My information comes from direct communication with Steven Papke, the owner of the Vizdepot. However, it's entirely possible that something has changed since that was a week or two ago and maybe I just haven't been in the communications loop on it. Hopefully that's the case and it will be back online soon.

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If VizDepot is indeed no more, and according to Jason it sounds like that is not an absolute certainty, maybe some of the regular VizDepot posters could comment on some of the things they liked about VizDepot for further development or inclusion or whatever you want to call it at cgarchitect?


I'm trying to be a bit careful here because cgarchitect & vizdepot are businesses run by Jeff and Steven and I want to be supportive of both so maybe the time isn't right to list out the pros and cons of each just yet, or maybe its better done in a more private fashion, but if we do hear from Steven that VizDepot isn't coming back I for one would love to see the regular VizDepot folks join in the community at cgarchitect and the cgarchitect community benefit from the passionate, skilled folks who frequented VizDepot.

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If indeed VizDepot is to be no more, please do let me know what you liked better over there and I'll do my best to have it included into CGA2 which is being worked on as we speak. Hopefully complete by late August or Mid-September if all stays on track.

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Vizdepot, in my opinion, is quite informal with alot of banter between friends. Its unpretentiouse with a genuine desire to help a mate out.


I also like the mentalray forum as most of the users, use mentalray on a daily basis, whereas other sites are so Vray centric that even if you ask a mentalray question you get flooded with "Uses Vray, stupid" remarks. Even here, but not so much these days.


Whilst I'm not a frequent poster there, I have been following for a long time.



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I miss Vizdepot... I almost get work done during the day now.

-me too, boo work.


What makes me most sad is seeing some of you guys with thousands of posts on the Depot now back down to single digits. There was a wealth of great content, tuts and posts that I hope are recovered somehow...

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I fully agree with the above posts and that is why I became such a large part of that community ..... the people. Everyone enjoyed each other and there was never any bickering. Only helpful posts and tons of useful archived information, reviews and tutorials.


My 7000 posts are gone ..... at least for now ;-/


Feel free to email me if interested in updates and to keep in touch.

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I agree with Justin, VD was informal and OK to be a complete n00b at without fear of people laughing at you or flat out ignoring you. Yeah, it was probably too laid back for some, a lot of day there was no real "productive" post going on, but that was nice. It was a way to just check in with everyone.


And yes, all my posts are gone, and my post counts, and my shoutbox count. NOt to mention the benchmark thread we had going.

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Interesting comments guys. Any suggestions of ideas to bring some of what you liked best at VizDepot here, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate. My emails to Steve bounce as I only had his VD email, so it does seems like he's down for the count.

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I keep checking the Vizdepot site daily hoping it will pop up again. But reading all your posts here, it doesn't look that good.


Well at last it's good to see some hardcore members of the Vizdepot forum are here, so I'll join you here as well :)

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Ag no man, this is dissapointing, I have been having serious withdrawal symptoms from not being able to go to my daily viz site!


If it was not for VIZDEPOT, I would not have been in 3d or at least have the skills I do today. The knowledge and help is just awesome, and the response time was immediate. Any problems I had, would have been sorted out in a jiffy!


It would be a very sad thing........


But where is Steve Papke, would be nice if he would post some comment here. I have sent an email to Steve about a month ago, but no response.


Well to comment on the vizdepot: Site was just constantly running with great responsiveness, we all constantly try to help each other, figure out problems, and were true and honest wrt the industry. Like I said, its thanks to the VIZDEPOT that I am in this industry today. Starting with Steven Papke's help, and Mark Couture whom guided me at start. That in turn made me help others in the same manner as those guise guided me.



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