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Logo or not to logo

Jason Matthews

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I have a question that I have been asking myself for a while. When I turn over a final rendering to a client should I be putting my logo on the rendering or animation? What if I am the third guy down the chain from the client (i.e. the client hires a consulting firm who then hires another artist who then hires me)? I am curious how everyone else handles this. Up until now I have left my logo off all renderings and animations.

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Most firms keep logos off the work they give to their clients, as far as the corners go. With animations you will often see an "end bug" or some other form of credits, but mostly you rely on the people sharing the work publicly to say who the artist is.


I would watermark or add logos to any progress images so they do not get used as final and include your information in the meta data as much as possible, but let the work stand for itself.


Also, if you are hired on contract by another firm and your work is getting added to theirs and handed in to the architect, you are not working for the architect. Your client in the firm in between.

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