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Pixelated render using Vray. Switching antialiasing method doesn't help.


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I have textured a vehicle, but i am unable to render it.


I tried to manipulate the "Vray:: image sampler" tab quite a lot, and even though i could see it affect my image, the result was always pretty poor.


If i remove the image from the diffuse slot, the rendering is perfect.

If i create a JPG of a plain color, the pixelation comes back.

i don't have anything else but diffuse in my maps. I have 0 reflection value.

i tried increasing the subdivs on my Vray lights, to no effect.

after that, i tried playing with multiple options in the render parameters and in the material editor, but nothing gave result.


Render with a VrayMtl :

Render with a VrayMtl with my JPG in the diffuse slot :

Parameters used :


Please Help :(

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