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Dispersion problems!


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Hi all,


I run vray 1.5 for rhino. I am having an issue where checking the dispersion option on a completely normal glass material produces a final image where the glass is tinted dark green. I've tried it with multiple different glass materials and it always happens when dispersion is checked "on." Anyone ever experience this or have ideas on how to fix it?

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Yes, been there. I have to look up the answer (posted on another forum), but there is one.


Also, be sure to not have 'backside' on in specular channels because your rendertime will baloon.


EDIT: here it is:



the green comes probably as you have subpixelmapping on.

as the dispersion is a spectral computations the subpixelmapping which is helpfull but not 100% physical correct will alter the appearance.

so for dispersion if you want physical results you needed to always turn of subpixel mapping


Stefan Laub


Edited by Ernest Burden
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