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Help with Vray Rock material


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I can't figure out how to get the displacement maps to work on my rock fireplace.


In this image, the displacement is working and not working at the same time. I accidentally had the pendant light hangers painted with the rock, and they appeared with the displacement, which was set as 12. They look really odd, but at least they are building the displacement the way I want the rock to.


The rock on the fireplace, when I did a region render of just that area, will not displace around the corner the way it seemed to when it was on the pendant cables. Any help on how to create that displacement effect where the rock pops off the fireplace with depth and shadow, and turns the corner, would be greatly appreciated.


Also, there is a rock wall on the left that you can see the jagged edge of, which appears to be displacing as well....


Thank you!


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