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Window frames

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Hi Everyone,


I am trying to create window frames for my project and I need a fast way of doing it. The problem is that I don't know what kind of modifier to use. I have uploded the foto of my project and a foto of a similar project that has already the frames. If you can please give me some ideas how I can model it in the same way...


Thank you in advance,





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Two quick ideas that I usually work for me.

One is draw a path/spline where the windows system goes then extrude, you'll get a single side mesh, divide vertically and horizontally were the mullions goes. Then select all faces and inset the faces a few centimeters about the same with of your mullions. Remember to select inset by polygons, then detach the inner face, you can use it later for glass.

Then apply shell modifier and voila, you have all your mullions at once. Select your glass and give some thickness and you are ready to go.


Other way would be, draw a path/spline where the windows system goes then extrude, but after divide your plane vertically and horizontally, apply a shell modifier with the same depth of your mullions.

Then select polygons, inset once , extrude inwards then inset again and extrude again until front and back face almost touch, all selected polygons will be your glass. all other polygons will be your mullions.


Clear as mud??

Hope this work for you ;)

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