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Tommy L

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Hello all,

Its been a while since I posted on this forum in any meaningful manner and I know that this is not intended as a political soapbox, I'll understand if the adjudicators delete this post.

I just want people to know that as a business owner in the USA (who does indeed use overseas freelancers) and as an immigrant myself, I find trump to be the most offensive racist that Ive seen take any potential position of political power since Ive resided in the USA. I guess Im just hoping to find some solidarity between users of this forum in the support of universal backing of equal rights and the rejection of hateful sentiments (by Trump) that you'd expect to find among normal thinking individuals.

Over the last decade Ive seen plenty of heated discussions on this forum regarding labor practices and some fearful sentiments expressed about globalization and undercutting of established native markets. Im interested to hear about the response to right wing rhetoric and how it pertains to our industry. I think this is relevant when discussing a digital industry that essentially knows no borders.



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Two interesting articles on the subject I read recently:






The worst part about this is that similar movements and "macho-leaders" are not just happening in the USA but for certainly in most Europe countries and it seems pretty much all over the world.


In Europe, extreme populists gain very easy popularity as ISIS terror is being very effective making A LOT of people paint all 1.6 billion Muslims with the same brush. Populists use and amplify all the generated hate, fear, and friction, it´s their fuel. From the above article: "I have no doubt, for example, that Trump is sincere in his desire to “cut the head off” ISIS, whatever that can possibly mean. But it remains a fact that the interests of ISIS and the Trump campaign are now perfectly aligned. Fear is always the would-be tyrant’s greatest ally."


Seeing it all unfold from Estonia, which is one of the little guys between major forces (and when sh*t finally hits the fan, one of the first places to get destroyed again), I don´t like stability falling not one bit.


I like open-source, cooperation and peer to peer businesses gaining momentum. I like travelling, I like open societies, I like a lot of 3D people sharing their knowledge and work. I like this: https://e-estonia.com/e-residents/about/ I´d like to advance forward to more openness without setbacks of closing in, dividing people and building borders around countries.

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The big fear for me is that Trump could actually win this thing. If we end up with a lot of voter apathy and they do not go out and vote because our choice is between Voldemort and Dolores Umbridge, then Trump stands a real shot at taking over.


Equally as frightening is if we vote in another split house and congress, or that could be the only saving grace if Trump wins is to give him a Democrat controlled House and Senate.


I don't understand Trump's popularity unless we've become so slaved in the "reality TV" aspect of things. At this point Trump could eat a baby on TV and people who say, "Hey, he does what he wants and speaks his mind. I like him." He has to be the first candidate that by the point he had their party's nomination, we still really do not not know any of his policies. Other than he is going to make things great and replace the bad stuff with terrific stuff.


We're getting closer to Idiocracy as we speak. If you can control Twitter, you can control the vote it seems.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

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I don't understand Trump's popularity unless we've become so slaved in the "reality TV" aspect of things.


2 things:


Trump is just a SYMPTOM of a giant group of disgruntled blue color workers who have been left out in the cold and forgotten by outsourcing. There's always talk of new technology jobs that will be created that these disenfranchised works will breeze right into - NOT!

Carrier AC moving to Mexico leaving 2000 workers unemployed is a recent instance of this. When Trump talks of keeping jobs here and creating tariffs and stopping China's unfair money exchange shenanigans it's no wonder that he's perceived as the savior who's going to make

America great again.


Secondly I suggest reading Thurber's short story "The Greatest Man in the World :http://www.cudaclass.info/enc1102/shortstory/greatestmantext.pdf


Warning: Spoiler Alert!


It's about this guy who flies across the Atlantic right after Lindbergh and totally shatters his record. Problem is, while Lindbergh is handsome, intelligent and charismatic, this guy is uneducated, uncouth and a total idiot (remind you of someone?). And all the people in charge are mortified because he will soon have to be introduced to the public via a NYC ticker tape parade.


Right before the parade the city officials and everyone are on the one of the upper floors of a hi-rise. Smurch is leaning out of an open window looking down at the preparations below, thinking about all the big bucks he's gonna make, all the babes he's gonna score: the world is his!


(.........hi-rise, leaning out of an open window............hmmm)

Edited by heni30
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I haven't spoken to a single person in the UK so far that actually rates Trump. The guy is a bellend of monumental proportions.


Regrettably, it seems that no matter what he says, or who he insults he simply grows in popularity. It's frightening to think that this cretin of a man could be in charge of a nuclear arsenal.


I'd love to see him come to the UK and have an interview with Andrew Marr, Andrew Neil or better yet Jeremy Paxman. He would get absolutely annihilated and truly embarrass himself.

Edited by Macker
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Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

don't forget the electrolytes :p


I am also an immigrant, I am not a Voter so my opinion is from outsider living here in USA.

I been in USA for 16 years now and since I seat a foot here Iv'seen a decadency on education and social culture in this country that it is impressive and depressing. Thrum, W. Bush, Sara Palin and many other are just sign or proof that our society sold their souls to the devil (metaphorically speaking) long time ago, money control everything and no matter who you are if you can't make money, you are not worth.


Thrum, being 'famous' can do whatever the heck he want and many people profit from it and the rest of us just don't care; is like the Kardasians, they do nothing and people follow, buy and buy their bu!@#! while school loses teachers, art, music, Math class. and every day more schools are close. Higher education it is it top height. I. being in middle class in one of the more Taxed States here in USA I can't afford University for my children. But giant companies, thrum in many of them receive more Tax discount that I can ever dream. Not counting that he can put money outside of this country and won't get taxed, me in the other way, no really. But our society is more concerned of the new IPad to make them self feels better, and feel special.


I was raised in a country under a dictatorship for over 19 years, then we earned democracy and I say earned because, people fought for it, for years prepare for it, studied.

I mentioned this because, when the military kill our democratically elected president, with the help of USA government, because, he was socialist too close of the Russians (by then cold war). The new military president took absolute control of everything, changed constitution, change all teaching method, controlled all media, limited the information in and out of our country. If you keep them isolated and stupid you can control them.


I see the same happening here, but covered with a soft silk banquet; as Scott mentioned, sponsored by whatever you like.


No matter who is the president in this country, politics are so divided and they rather eat crap than agree with someone of the other party. and that happens in both ways. People can't even elect their representatives, it is all an illusion. If Thrum get elected, is because USA deserve it, if Hillary is elected, Republicans will become even more though and ruthless that they are now. it is a loose loose situation for this country, and is very sad to see is happening.

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I don't understand Trump's popularity unless we've become so slaved in the "reality TV" aspect of things.


A well written a post...and very true about the last part of this sentence. The surprising rise of populist wings across the whole western world (and farther) quite pushes the 'post-fact/post-truth/etc..' democracy we're living, where feelings, however ungrounded and wrong, simply tr(i)ump reality, to forefront.


A single night before parliamentary election in my country, I assured everyone in my circle that a fascist party will not even break 2perc. mark and they shouldn't concern with them. Surprise, they easily broke 8perc. despite every estimates. It wasn't just local hillbillies who voted for them, it was a lot of college educated people. And this wasn't some of those smartly dressed right-wingers like in neighbor countries, this was uniform wearing imbeciles.

This, even more surprisingly, started a wave, where even centrist parties adopted their rhetorics in misguided effort to mitigate their success, or perhaps, simply to absorb some of their voting club.


Holding bigoted, or downright extreme views, is becoming widely accepted, as radical form of 'rebellion' against 'political correctness'. "What, you want to tell me my racism isn't just opinion ?!"


I don't know honestly, I still hold largely positive outlook on things. Despite some of the crazy things happening recently. But after the extreme wing success, Brexit success, I would not be surprised in least if even Trump gets to win.

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The more disturbing thing in America is that Republicans have been saying for a year how bad Trump is, how he is a terrible, racist idiot, yet, now that he is the nominee, they are still going to vote for him because he is Republican. To this day, they say they don't like him, but they are still voting for the party. If Hitler and Bin Laden were our two nominees, they would still get voted for, because people and the media don't give any of the other parties any thought or airtime. Media and the 2 parties are controlled by big corporations and special interest groups, and money and ad dollars have more weight than what is right or wrong, or the best interest of the country. I'm not saying a third party candidate is the better option, but 99% of us don't even know.

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