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3DS Max + Vray : Lights remove Vertex Colors on Mesh's


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Wantign to create a little something using the models of Super Smash Brothers Wii U and the rendering prowess of vray and 3DS max had led me to a very strange problem.


I actually double downed on getting one of the stages (specifically pyrosphere) into 3DS max and managed to properly get all textures set up as well.




So far so good right? Well not really, as when I apply any sort of light, from vray lights to regular 3DS max lights, the vertex color gets removed, putting everything to gray metals.




I guess my question is, is there a way to disable the lights from affecting the vertex colors, or how to make the vertex color permanent to the model.


The vertex colors in Sm4sh most often adds extra detail from AO to coloration differences, like artificially adding in light colors. I want to keep true to the original, so I am aiming to keep everything the same if possible.


If not, then I'll just light up the scene properly to try and re-create the color differences.

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