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Render Colour & Noise Issue (SketchUp)


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I'm having trouble with VRay rendering a scene correctly.


I'm using SketchUp, I have imported images as textures for the walls.


As you can see in the attachment, one wall is rendering fine, however, the other is doing something strange. I have played about with every light setting that I can think of as well as change the image.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance :)


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Well while working with VRay a 'quick' research won't cut it. The software is very deep and complex, but when you understand how it works, then

The overall workflow it is very simple.


In your case, there are presets for the quality, they are divided for interiors and exteriors. you can choose those and see how your scene develop.


Sampling is the way that VRay and many other render engines process the image and all the lighting and coloring information. (this is a very rough definition)

In your case, without knowing more details of your setting I may assume that you are using default values, these settings are good for preview images. but the overall quality will be 'noisy'. For final images, you need to increase the rendering time (if you are in progressive mode) or increase the sample number if you are in bucket mode. You will also have to adjust the noise threshold while working on Bucket mode if only increasing samples is not working.

The logic behind this is very long to explain and it has been talked in this mere forum and many other places online already.


To resume, there is nothing wrong with your scene (as far I can tell) I am assuming that your quality level for rendering is too low.


Posting your setting will help us to resolve your issue.

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Thanks for the image, well from that you can see, your system is set up to work with Progressive mode, that means that it will first place a very rough image as fist pass then refine or clean all pixels several times until it reaches its goal, in this case, it is a noise threshold of 0.005 or 5 minutes, whatever is first.

In your case, if you are on a MAC, it means you may have a quad-core CPU, so I am guessing you are reaching the 5 minutes before the render totally clean.


One way to resolve this would be just to give more time. you can set up the time limit to 0 (Zero) this will force VRay to render until it reaches the 0.005 thresholds, but who knows how long it will take to clean. If this is OK for you, then you should try that.


If you are in a hurry you may want to try to switch from Brute force for the first bounce to Irradiance map. This method is less precise than Brute Force but it is way faster.


As a side note, if you are not rendering animations I would recommend switching Light Cache from World to screen size.


You should try the different preset that VRay for SketchUp has, they work very good in most scenes.

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I also do not understand what's going on on the floor.

it is supposed to be that design?? or as Mark mentioned there is double geometry?? This meant, your floor and another floor in the same place. one on top of each other.


They there is no ceiling in that corridor?? if you are trying to showcase that way, I would recommend using a Dome light instead Sunlight, this last one will create too much contrast for the Stylised type of image you are trying to produce.

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