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    Taiwan, Province of China

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  1. Din3D appeared to be a pretty promising importer/exporter between ArchiCAD and 3ds. I quickly got my hands on Din3D after reading through this thread. However, one problem I came across is the material assignment. The objects are fine being divided by stories, element, and layers; but I can't get quite get the window to work properly. The window frame and glass are imported as a single object with the same material. When I try to detach by using native editable mesh modifier or Soulburn objectdetacher. The frame and glass get separated, but the glass is broken up into 2 face, which makes the material assignment a bit annoying when working with a mid-size commercial project. Anyone can help provide a quick guide or rules of thumb when working in ArchiCAD model, which will eventually be imported to 3Ds, to make life easier?? Another question I have is whether 3ds and ArchiCAD model has the capability to link/replace ArchiCAD model instead of re-importing every time and having to re-assign when the model get minor adjustments from time to time.?? Thanks in advance.
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