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  1. HI, Thank you for your tips. I tried all that, but still the noise is coming from the light. Would you like me to send you the file to have a look if that is easier ? Thanks
  2. I think the issue was with probabilistic lights, I just turned them off. However I am still experimenting with other possibilities
  3. Hi, Thank you so much for your interest. when I render the scene I get some sort of weird noise, I believe it is coming from the v ray light. By the way I am using 3ds max 2015 with the Vray 3.0 version. I tried to change all the settings in the render and I watched all the tutorials on web about v ray, but none seams to be working for me. I did however after many try and error come to some sort of solution but I am not sure if that is the one I should have done since the beginning. I will add it in the attachments few images so that you can see better, one is a full render and the other one is a render with the lights only. Ok so all I did in order to resolve the issue was first to change the setting in a render under the probabilistic lights I first change it from 4 to 32 and the issue on the white wall seams to decrease significantly and when I turn off completely probabilistic light than it was even better, however the issue was still present on the bed sheet. Only after I changed the settings under image sampler(antialiasing), when I changed the min shading rate from 2 to 50, only then I was able to get read of the weird noise pattern from the bed sheet as well. Also I recently tried also to tick off the option on "divide shading shading subdivs" and it also worked well in terms of noise.Could you please tell what is happening and is it this what was causing the issue as well as did I do the right thing. Thank you so much for your help.
  4. Hi, Thank you for your help. I tried everything, all the settings and I even tried to change the settings in lights, unless I missed something. The issue is still present. The only time when it goes away is if I delete the light which I add into the scene inside the room. The light I am using is the vray plane light which represents the light coming from the window. Please have a look in the attached image, you can see that its weird, under need the cloth it is clean and on the sheet which is exposed to light it is full of artifacts. Thank you very much
  5. Hi, I am having issues when adding a light into a scene in 3ds max while using the vray. There are some strange artifacts happening, even though I went all the way up to 32 subdivisions to all my materials and lights, however the strange artifacts are still present. Here is an image. Anyone knows how to fix the issue ? Thanks
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