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  1. Hello all, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on an issue i've been having while using the V-Ray for SketchUp 3.40.02 trial with Sketchup 2017 Pro. VIDEO OF ISSUES: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOzW5SRspLfzlgWJBkMFWpwUoZwWanrWPfcds2RYn5wdY9j1sCSYMzH3pyJHqJ-Gg?key=Z0VPeDRfQ2xxZGh2UnQ1UENVb3V3Xy1wbXk4ckN3 I have groups disappearing from the frame buffer (Video 2:38), textures refusing to apply, and textures applying in sketchup but not showing in the frame buffer (video 0:35). Are there any known bugs that could cause this? Is there something wrong with my workflow that could be causing this? I've tried exploding groups before applying textures to no avail. Furthermore, is it necessary to apply textures to faces individually or can I apply a texture to a group without V-Ray reacting unusually. Is there something wrong with the way my V-Ray is configured (downloaded 2 days ago and immediately experienced these issues)? I'd love to learn more about what V-Ray is capable of but this experience is weighing heavily on my decision to buy. Hopefully I can correct the issues and there is not some sort of bug or compatibility problem. Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions. -Mike
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