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  1. here are some ideas for troubleshooting: 1. Check your objects and materials for any problems. Basically speaking, it may render fine with small CPU or RAM errors, which may be unnoticed when rendering a single object, but when you multiply it thousands or millions times with MultiScatter that problem will just grow exponentially and crush the system 2. Try not to use LC. Light Cache is very fast algorithm, but there are some drawbacks. Light Cache needs much more RAM than other V-Ray GI algorithms. MultiScatter is a tool for creating huge amount of geometries which also needs RAM. therefore there is a big chance to encounter problems (very slow rendering or crashing) when you use LC with MultiScatter. So using Light Cache in exterior visualisation consumes lots of memory wherever you are using MultiScatter or not, and its just our very general recommendation not to use it, unless you really know what you are doing and have tons of memory. 3. Don't use groups. as MultiScatter support only geometries, but groups may include other non-supported objects 4. Check rendering settings. MultiScatter itself is a very solid plugin but it generates lots of geometries, which pushes VRay, 3ds Max and the hardware to its limits, so optimisation is required in all parts of the process advanced knowledge of VRay is also essential, especially for exterior visualization in case you still cannot find the cause of the problem, please send us the file to troubleshoot please also make sure you are using latest version
  2. The pixel brightness of the underlying texture controls the animations starting frame For example, given frame interval from 0 to 100 Those objects that were on white start animation from frame 0 Those that are on the black in the 100th And those who came to the different levels of grey will start somewhere in between. than darker than later, So animating actual texture is pointless This need to be done another way. Do not animate objects. instead just slightly rotate them by X and Y. Rotation can be controled by animated texture. this texture need to be used in Rotate option, as colour animated Noise http://docs.rendering.ru/en:multiscatter#the_use_of_various_textures_within_the_rotation_mask
  3. you can also have a look at VRayPattern
  4. Basically speaking, it may render fine with small CPU or RAM errors, which may be unnoticed when rendering a single object, but when you multiply it thousands or millions times with MultiScatter that problem will just grow exponentially and crush the system
  5. its documented in the manual, this is V-Ray issue not MultiScatter http://docs.rendering.ru/en:multiscatter#using_normalbump "Please check that you are not using NormalBump with V-Ray, use VrayNormalMap instead (please refer to V-Ray support for this issue)"
  6. Light Cache is very fast algorithm, but there are some drawbacks. Light Cache needs much more RAM than other V-Ray GI algorithms. MultiScatter is tool for creating huge amount of geometries which also needs RAM. therefore there is a big chance to encounter problems (very slow rendering or crashing) when you use LC with MultiScatter. So using Light Cache in exterior visualisation consumes lots of memory wherever you are using MultiScatter or not, and its just our very general recommendation not to use it, unless you really know what you are doing and have tons of memory.
  7. if you have any problems with MultiScatter, please let us know
  8. The problem is that V-Ray 1.5 for 2013 was just released recently there are some issues and we are dealing with Chaos Group regarding this hope it wount take long. I just checked, the request was submited 22:37 GMT and we responded 10:04 GMT next morning.
  9. its documented in the official manual http://docs.rendering.ru/en:multiscatter#crashing )
  10. are you sure you are using legitimate version? our clients usually contact us by email if they have problems regards R&D Team
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