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  1. that's a question I'd like to know aswell.
  2. Hi, i just opened this thread to share my frustration with turbosquid. I was checking my TS reports, like i do everyday, and noticed a ticket that TS support opened to contact me, saying that i had a copyright infraction on a product. very well, i answered asking what product, so i could do something about it, like defend myself and prove that the product was mine, but the only answer i got was this and they never told me what have i done. funny thing, that happened like 5 days before i was about to receive almost a hundred dollars, when my sales were increasing more than 100%, and i was about to become a silver member. got banned for no reason at all, and obviously i didn't get my money. doesn't it looks suspicious? and TS is Autodesk's official source huh... lame... despite of that, 55% cut for new members is a rip off. that's stealing, and i would sure sue them if i was in the US. gonna post a screenshot of the whole conversation later.
  3. A única resposta que eu tenho pra isso é o upgrade da versão do VRay... teoricamente, o SP3 resolve essa e outras questões, mas não testei (ainda).


  4. ola, vi que tu tem o mesmo problema do motion blur do vray, gostaria de saber se ja encontrou alguma solução.. abraço

  5. hi, i see you're having the same problem as me with the vray motion blur... any solution yet?


  6. ola ricardo, gostaria de saber se tem alguma luz naquel probleminha do motion blur com vray, em que a tela fica preta!


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