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  1. Only outside of the USA. I've never modeled or worked in metric.
  2. I just prefer to see things grouped. A user can be given the same feedback with all of their images from the same work/job in a collective thread I feel, and I think those who take the time to organize their work in that manner have more views. I know that when I see a few shots/views from the same project on one page, I tend to only view one image and skip the rest. I don't like having to click/open a few pages, rather than see them all at the same time. Many of them also appear so similar that it defers me from taking an interest in viewing people's work. I do understand the pro of being to like each individual image, as more people will see it if they organize their search by likes, but as an artist I would rather someone view my collective "narrative" of images, if there are more than one of course. I rather enjoyed the old gallery where you could click on an image in the thread then scroll through all the images posted. Now it is just tedious to have to go into a few threads. I realize a few extra clicks of the mouse might not seem like much to some, but its annoying and a waste of time to me.
  3. Can we make it a rule/standard or whatnot to have only ONE thread per project in the gallery? People posting several instead of all their images in one is becoming really annoying and cluttering it up IMO.
  4. You could do a black and white renderpass with 3d people (for scale and position reference) to overlay in Photoshop or whatnot, then add people in post who match up best. Rami has a process I tend to follow for people: http://www.ramyhanna.com/2010/11/3d-process-post-process-tricks-revealed.html
  5. Great bg movie choice. It looks like you'd slide right out of the chair if you sat on it haha.
  6. I like the updated day version. Where did you get that cherry blossom tree (I assume this is what it is) from?
  7. The brick could be better, but a lovely set of renders nonetheless.
  8. Very nice for where it is currently. I think it would benefit from a background or some direct light coming in from the window, unless this is meant to be a night render. I'd also use and hdr and fix the corner cabinets; there's no way the brown door will open with the handle of the white door there, flip the handle.
  9. Have you read Jeff Patton's take on creating leaf materials? They seem rather nice, I'd look into it. Those last two renders seem to capture the leaves better.
  10. As a person who has been bowling since I was 3, here's my knowledge to pass on: -The holes on the balls are too close together. -The balls are too reflective/shiny, only highly polished ones would like that way. Bowling balls are either plastic, urethane or resin, so tie the material to those characteristics. -The wood for the lanes is wrong, they should be boards (see this image - http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_w0iyr2zcRhY/TRr2SJV2mkI/AAAAAAAAARs/yeJPRjexkbg/s1600/bowling%2Bball.JPG) -The ball returns are too far up the lane, they should begin by the seating area. -The length of the lanes seem too short, double check the dimensions. This info is only meant to help your render be more realistic of course, given the fact you did this out of boredom it might not matter much.
  11. Did you use displacement for the carpet, or just a bump map? It's one of the better representations of a carpet material that I've seen around here.
  12. I'm not liking the ghost people, they are distracting from the nice imagery of the renders honestly. Also, that stair is not ADA compliant.
  13. I hope those are heated slabs! Nice renders.
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