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  1. Check the tutorials at Viscorbel.com ... they are great ... you will learn a lot about furniture modeling. http://viscorbel.com/
  2. Go to cgtextures.com ..... under "Rock" category and "Sediment" subcategory you wil find plenty of textures
  3. You can also rotate or align spline to XY plane (if it was drawn on any other plane) and apply XForm modifier (you can also use ResetXform command from Utilities). Theb you can collapse stack and rotate/align spline to previouse location and extrude. Regards, Luka
  4. I think you have problem with the edges of hard surface objects ("qubic objects" ). You should chamfer them, metals will look much better then.
  5. Why don't you try booleaning with ProBooleans (they are included in Max9). Max's native booleans haven't changed from the first ver. of Max.
  6. Maybe add UVW mapping to that object, it might help.
  7. Just add this effect in your post-process application. You will have grater control over this effect anyway. Here is one tut I found about bllom effect: http://gamedesign.4players.de:1026/LS/Tub/Others/Tut3/Bloom.htm
  8. Adjust AA settings (min&max samples and lower tresshold).
  9. I guess it was for ment for me... So here I made some screnshots of the water material and the scene is now in 3ds format (so there are no materials and lights). Hope it helps
  10. No problem, but please bare in mind, this is my first try with light-tracer
  11. I wouldn't use diffuse maps for water, since real pure water doesn't have any diffuse component. Build your water material like it is in the real world: almost completely refractive with some fallof reflections and some bump for the waves. That should work in most of cases, but don't forget to model the entire enviroment (including underwater one). Regards, Luka
  12. Maybe an easier workaround is to use Exposure controls (under rendering > effects). Here I used logarhitmic exposure control, which also helps on this wall fading problem. Skylight (slightly blue) and Directional light (slightly yellow) are both at 0,8.
  13. Bump maps don't render with skylight only, because light is coming from all directions (remember that bump map is not geometry). So instead use displacement or add some normal lights (e.g. Sun). Also notice that bump shows slightly where another objects are nearby (just put a sphere on your panckake and rerender). This is a common "problem" with all renderers, no one can do it
  14. Here is one tutorial I once made for a Slovenian 3D/2D page. It's written in Slovene language, but I think it's quiet understandable (all major words are bold). The trick is that you attach all your tiles to one single mesh and assign MaterialbyElement modifier. Hope that halps somehow
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