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  1. always have a roof! you are obviously doing something wrong from what i see so far, i think your gamma is incorrect
  2. lol, weired one, imet many bosses who think its easy to "render" and make pretty pictures but this one is funny man
  3. hmmm, i see, i will also try to reproduce it this way, thanks for keeping us update devin
  4. well here is what happened, a made a few tests and there is no difference between having the don't affect colors button ticked or unticked even with a few ies lights in an interior scene. I will try an even bigger scene 2mrw with higher settings but for now there is no difference in render time
  5. hmmm, ies lights, looks nice but a killer on render times, i will also use that setup in my tests
  6. i had an hdri that i loved to use but i could not get strong shadows from it no matter what tests i did with the gamma but the sky and look of the hdri was what i wanted so i had to use either the vray sun or direct light to give me the shadows i wanted for that exterior scene and there are other hdris that i have that really give me the shadows i want with just dropping the gamma value from 1 so i never needed other lights. So it depends on how you want to work, to change colors of lights in the scene is the real issue for me, either i have to play with the hdri color in photoshop first or color correct it in 3ds max which takes more time. mostly its easier to work with standard direct light because i change colors on the fly with very nice results and it is fast may i say and i can stil use the hdri to give me some color variation weak or strong.
  7. well i ran some tests but with a small plane and tea pot with other small geometry to see how this affects my scene and there are slight changes but not much in terms of time, 2mrw i will run some tests with a more complex scene, there are occasions though when i had to work this way and have the srgb button on and the gamma 2,2 and dont affect colors on when i had some very small artifacts the were really annoying me it fixed the issue and i was not even paying attention to render times because they were not really much different. but i will dig for that scene and run some tests on it to see for myself the effects of using one option over another and post the result for anyone who wants to have a look.
  8. really? from what was said i thought you got it by now, the whole issue i see though is with gamma and linear workflow, i will make a video on this for you and send you the link, i think just explaining without pictures and demonstration is not enough, a picture is worth a thousand words so just let me know if you me to go ahead and make a youtube vid on my blog for you Devin. I also notice that on chaosgroups forum some people try to give hard and complicated explanations sometimes for very simple things which confuses alot of people sometimes and people are then afraid to ask what they mean and not look foolish but i have bought many tutorials and i have a stock libray packed with help and advice so i can help with the simple things sometimes
  9. lol, i see you asked this question on chaosgroups forum also and got some good answer but just for the benefit of others here, it was not the srgb button on the vray frame buffer slowing the renders down it was having "dont affect colors on". please read this thread before you guys gett confused. http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbulletin/showthread.php?71652-sRGB-mode&highlight=srgb
  10. does anyone know what this is?
  11. very nice, what version of 3ds max are you running?
  12. VERY NICE but the walls are too clean, needs some bump at least
  13. very nice render, i like the overall feel especially since i am a huge fan of the mediterranean and its homes, somehow your exterior looks blue and overbright in comparison to the roof i see outside, i see some noise, maybe you should increase your settings and the glass needs some work, a little reflection would be very nice, but very nice, great job!!
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