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    United States

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  1. It looks like you need something really basic, why don't you make your own in google sheets?
  2. No problem, let me know if that worked.
  3. If you are using a vray dome light with an HDRI just make that light invisible and be sure the max environment background is black. If you are using an HDRI directly into the max environment background map clear it from there and use it in the environment tab inside vray settings. The idea is to use a black color as background in max.
  4. Are you rendering with an image in the background? that can be part of the problem, I always render with a black backplate.
  5. A used to go for drinks at a bar in Cambridge with a friend who also works in the same company and we got asked this question really often, at some point we just started to say "we do magic".
  6. I just do different lights setups and group them in layers, I name the layers properly (Shot Hero 01, Shot Hero day, etc) and I turn on only the layer with the illumination that I want for that camera. Just be sure you turn off Hidden lights under Vray Global switches. Maybe is not the most elegant way to do it but it works just fine to me.
  7. Not exactly malls, but you can find some ideas here: http://neoscape.com/film
  8. Do you have a vray light material? if you do check the intensity or just turn it off and make a test render, if that is the problem in the material properties check "Compensate camera exposure" or simply change the intensity of it.
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