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import AutoCD Architect drawings into 3DS Max


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I often have to import models from AutoCAD Architecture. When I import them or File link them, objects that were single objects import as single meshs but split into a number of faces and often double faces.


If you look at the attached image that is taken from Max, this object is a single mass element in AutoCAD Architecture, In Max as you can see it has been split into a number of faces and the black parts appear to be double faces.


I would like to import them as single objects and as a single face and without the double faces.


Does anybody know why this happens or how I can avoid it?


I hope all this makes sense.

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The reason for import issues with ACAD files can often be due to how the file has been left. In ACAD does this model have any groups or blocks? Or has it previously been a block which has been exploded too far? If you are preparing an ACAD file for importing into MAX then you need to filter by block then purge.


The second thing to try is the import method into MAX, what settings are you using in the drop down under 'Derive AutoCAD primitives by'. this setting can alter how the geometry is imported and organised within the new MAX file.


Hope this helps!

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Are the cad files coming from autocad or from autodesk architectural desktop? I work with architectural desktop and the double object is usually caused by not turning off the shrink wrap on all the objects. The shrink wrap is autodesk version of a bounding box and seems to mimic the object. If this is the case you would have to turn on the visual display rep overide to model and that should turn off the shrink wrap and the double object should go away.

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Thanks for your feedback


The objects are AutoCAD Architecture objects and the object in the image is a Mass Element. I have tried turning off the Shrinkwrap by turning off the Shrinkwrap layer. But when I import the layer with just the object it still comes in with double faces. I can't find a way of turning off the shrinkwrap in the display rep.


On import I am deriving the objects by layer.




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Seems like your Autocad object has a duplicate mesh in them. Try cleaning them, make sure only 1 object exist and no duplicates. If you have a solid object and an outline spline, it will came as 2 layers as well, one as a solid, one as spline (same name)


Check your acad file for this, and re import. It should solve your problem.

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Thanks for your feedback Alex.


The object is an AutoCAD Architecture Mass Element object and there is definitly only one object. I have tried converting it to a solid and then importing it into Max but that has the same problem.


I reckon it is probably something to do with the Shrinkwrap as suggested by bullet but if I turn off the Shrinkwrap layer I still have the problem.

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