Hi fellow Architects and CG Artists,my name is Michael Gichure and I'm an artist as well. Reason as to why I'm writing this is coz Kenya is a very rich country in terms of the 3D Animation Industry as a whole. There are a few animators who have come up and done big jobs however much their work isn't as good as the work I see most guys showcasing here in cgarchitect. I have been doing Visualization for atleast two years now,and I must say that's the area I feel comfortable in,one problem though is that for the past 5months or so I haven't practiced any 3D,why,no machine. A good 3D machine costs what,around Ksh100,000 that's approximately $1200 or even more. I'd like to kindly request anyone out there who would feel kind enough to support my dream of having this one machine so that I can build up my empire slowly or even go ahead and put up a fully functional 3D studio right here in Nairobi Kenya.
I will not say much,this is my email address : mikegichure@gmail.com
Hit me up,
Michael Gichure.