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  1. Studio/Institution: Pure3d Visualizations | digital essences Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds max, Photoshop, Leadwerks Engine Website: http://www.pure3d.de Description: I'm happy to unveil the latest project Pure3d had in the works for the past weeks. We did a real-time visualization for a french architecture client. Our task was to deliver a solid interactive visualization which shows the final real estate look near the french town of "Warmeriville". Some elements needed to be directly shown like cyclling paths, little parc elements and of course the 80+ land sections. We did the source content for a movie and some pictures for print. Workflow differs from game-development using a game-engine for Viz. You work a lot more in the modelling application and export larger chunks of prepared models. Things like modular design can't be applied in most cases because you are bound to the CAD floorplans which need to be rebuild accurate. Pic: http://pure3d.de/gfx/echtzeit/warmeriville_web/parcarea_big.jpg Polycount and other "rules" for game-development don't need to be taken into account in some cases. This speeds up modeling but if a client demands an interactive visualization to pass it further to his clients you need to optimize the scenes like doing a game-level. Most times you have even to optimize more because architects are usually no gamers with high-end graphics software. In this case a movie and print-ready screenshots were the main task. Rendering was a blaze. With a source material of 4000px x 3000px per frame the whole movie rendered around 30 minutes and was re-scaled later to 1080p. CG renderers can't compete here in speed. The whole pre-viz stage was skipped because of the speed advantages too. If something was wrong with the fly-through, we just adjusted it in real-time. A partner did the final movie and sound. So what's the bottom line? The quality of the real-time solution relies heavy on the clients need and budget. Does he want to just sell land like in this case, or does he present large scale projects in the best possible graphical way? For complex requirements we have a lot more to offer with Leadwerks Engine. Walking and talking 3d people, driving cars (even the viewer can drive them), flying animals, more polies, fast movie rendering and a prooved production pipeline coming from game-development on up to 16 square kilometers terrains. So stay tuned for additional projects coming in a few months from our arch-viz department. Not to forget: Costs are around 60% lower using real-time. So we reach clients who would like animations for their projects but don't want to pay $ 300+ per second film. Plus they always get the realtime project so they can do new material on their onw or show their clients an "game like" look of their project. Pic: http://pure3d.de/gfx/echtzeit/warmeriville_web/streetview_big.jpg Links: YouTube (The movie) Website: www.pure3d.de
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