I'm looking into a new single processor build. I noticed a big PRICE difference between the i7 5960X and i7 5820K. ($1500AUD vs $500AUD)
It will be used as a workstation and then put to use in the render farm but possibly has potential for a good multiple GPU's renderer as the industry makes a shift.
I see the Max # of PCI Express Lanes on intelArk for the CPU's is 40 vs 28 respectively. Does this mean I'm limiting the number of GPU's I can use in SLI configuration and would this mean the max GPU's I could use then are 3 ?? ( assuming GTX 980 are being used)
Any thoughts? Has anyone run into any other limitations with an overclocked 5820K in a workstation? and should I be looking at a different build? Build cost is $3500AUD ($2570 USD), 64GB RAM, ASUS X99-Deluxe/U3.1, SSD, 1000WPSU, NZXT Kraken H61.