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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all, My name is Oded Erell and I'm a 3d rendering & Visualization Instructor. I've aske the same question in the Autodesk area forum, and it's being ignored there, So I think maybe it's more suited to this forum. I have a question about pohotometric lighting units and the photometric light in 3ds max: If I understand the definition of the Lux unit correctly, an illuminance of 300 lux on a 1 square meter surface, should be produced by a lamp focusing 300 lumens (idealy) exactly onto the surface. And in an exactly 1 sterdian of a 1m radius sphere sector, The different units should unite, That is if a perfect lamp is at the center of the unit sphere, and as a beem spread of exactly 1 sterdian, it will light exactly 1 square meter of surface. So if I am not mistaken about the definition of the photometric units, In that ideal case, the amount of CD would be equal to the amount of Lumens output and also equal to the amount of Lux illumination resulting on the surface. I made a check using the photometric light in 3ds max, And I got a different value in lumens. In an approximately perfect sterdian and 1 meter distance lighting 1 square meter. The photometric light converts 227 Lumens to 300 cd and to 300 lux. I expected it to be 300 Lumens. (rendering results are consistant, there is no actual change in the light intensity) Am I misunderstanding the photometric units conversion? Is there another explanation? Any Ideas? I've added a screen capture of the test. Thanks for any reply, Cheers, Oded
  2. Hello everyone. I want to create some renderings (with radiosity) of an indoors scene (a room) lit by a photometric light, while having a daylight system. The room has a window and a glass-door (french door), so light can get through both ways. The thing is that while I set the daylight system to IES Sun and IES Sky, i still don't get quality renderings, because the room gets weird lighting and shadows (like the light from the sun is passing through the walls), although I am absolutely sure that there aren't any problems with the geometry of the scene. Any help about my problem would be extremely appreciated! Thanks! ps: i attached a sample rendering to give you a better clue about the weird shadows. In the picture i have removed the door and there is just the opening shown…
  3. Hello, I have a bit of question with 3dsmax photometric light with rectangle shape (emit light from rectangle). I'm using 3dsmax design 2010. Unlike the fact that it is supposed to be "photometric light emitting light from rectangle shape", when rendered, the light still came from a single point, which is the center of the rectangle. I have attached some images to help you imagine what I am trying to do. I would like to render an upfiring hanging light fixture, but as you can see on the rendering the light appears to be coming from a single point, not from the rectangle shape as it is supposed to be. Any clue? Thanks!
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