Hi there,
library, as we all know, is vital.
once i hired a freelancer to help me out with a deadline. I gave him access to my 2D library to do the photoshop quickly.
I follow him on facebook and recently he published a render with some assets that he literally stole from my library. How do i know that ? because some 2D people where cutout that i made by myself from a pack of photos i took on the street. It's only 3, 4 people, it's not so bad but i asked myself: well if i take the day off, he could stole my entire library made in 5 years of experience.
So i ask to people here with more than 2 100% trusted people in the office: how do you protect your assets from half-unknown people who has access to it ? i know that you have to give the job to someone you can trust etc etc but sometimes you have no time to take.