Hello all,
I haven't used vray/3ds max for a while and I'm facing a problem with vray.
I set values of the light I use, materials maps and properties, try a quick render and it's fine. But after a complete good quality render or if I restart 3ds max, I notice that vray/max is changing the values.
Reflection and glossiness values are sit back to 0 or reduced . Vray lights are reduced, sometimes to negative values which result in shades instead of light, and even the color mode changes.
I can see red highlight lines around changed values and I still can't tell why this is happening (shown in the attached image "material.png")
If I see the red highlighed values I change them again and render, but it takes time to do this process every time.
I attached screenshots for my vray settings, materials, and environment settings.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you all.