My rendered frame buffer image is correct but the saved .jpg or .tiff is too light. (as if show srgb colors was ticked in frame buffer).
In my searches I have found a fix to be to change the program default render output gamma to 1.0. But when I open the notepad file in program files, I am unable to save it after changing outputgamma. Getting access denied even though I'm logged in as admin.
Tried clicking on notepad icon and choosing run as administrator but it's still not allowing me to save.
two questions-
1. Am I on the right track or should I be checking other render/gamma settings.
2. If I am on the right track can someone show me how to get around the "Access Denied" issue
I'm in Windows 7 64 bit. My input gamma is set to 2.2 in max but max 2015 doesn't allow me to change output gamma without going to the default text file in program files.