At the moment I am running a little contest over at the facebook page of Silva3D
What do you have to do?
Send me a reason (best via mail to , or as comment on the facebook page), why you need a custom plant (and of course which kind of plant this is).
For example: you are working on a landscape and need a certain species of tree. Or an interior where you need a special houseplant, that you couldn´t find elsewhere. Some plants are simply unusual and not often requested - and therefor not offered. Now you have a chance
What will I do - on 4th of june I will pick the winner and then I will create a custom plant, according to the requests the winner sends to me.
So the winner get´s a tailored plant model, that can be used for private and commercial projects.
For details, please visit , or if you don´t want to mess around with facebook, send an email to