Hey guys
I know this is not the best place to post questions for vray but its the only place i dont need an account and is easy because its through my gmail.
I use sketchup pro 8 at my school where they also have a full version vray license.
sketchup has always been slow for me as i started to add 3 or more components from 3d warehouse. so for my current restaurant i was told to download it into a new sketchup file and then copy and paste it over to my project. This actually helped drastically increase the speed of working within the project and made it way more responsive.
My problem now is that vray is running insanely slow. I tryed rendering yesterday and left it up for 8 hours, didn't even get half way and it froze up.
There are only about 10 components in my model after checking because i guess copying and pasting them from a different filed saved a lot rather than downloading directly to my project. however there are about 25-30 different furniture and other elements downloaded from 3d warehouse used in my project, but again, not directly interted into my project.I have purged all unused materials.
I have added a material from a jpeg image for about 5 different things. when researching my problem i read that vray really doesnt respond well to jpeg images, and to change them to png's or tiffs and it runs a lot faster. Does anyone know anything about this? i changed 1 of my larger materials and no help,, but then realized there were 3 other materials i didnt change to tiffs and re apply material.
I kept all the default settings after a while of trying to get it to work but this doesn't help much at all either. with the default settings it still took over 8 hours and still ended up freezing.
i have about 10 omni lights but i have large wide span of windows and they arent rendering well anyway so i think i will just get rid of them if this will help increase the speed? because i already have good light...
i hid basically all groups/furniture not in my seen my view to try to speed up render time but no help.
Does anyone know if there are some settings on default that can be changed to make my render faster? Or any other ways i can speed up the time and keep it from freezing?
my computers at school arent very fast, they are very average pc processors, running windows 8 i believe. i just remembered we have one computer lap on the top floor that has newer mac computers running windows. i am going to try those computers this weekend and hopefully they are faster but i still feel like there is something im not doing right, maybe i have just copied and pasted too many warehouse downloads from unknown sources and maybe one of them had a bug or virus in them. But i mean the program runs ok just the vray that keeps crashing.
Please help with any ideas you can think of as to how to make this faster and not crash! I am not even worried about the quality at this point, just to create a decent finished render...thanks!