I'm new to Vray and i'm currently trying to improve my rendering skills so forgive me if some of these questions are easily solved. I'm having a problem with my Vraysky in the environments rollout. When I do not use a vraysun, it is a bright white, and not a nice sky gradient. But when I do use a vraysun, it retains the same whiteness unless I decrease the intensity multiplier to .03 and less. (rest of the Vraysun settings are the defaulted ones)
I have attached 2 examples of this. The darker picture has a sun multiplier of .01 and it is about the correct building lighting I want, but the sky looks like it is night...
The lighter picture has a sun multiplier of .03 and has the correct sky color, but the building is now washed out.
Just wondering what i'm doing wrong here...there are also no other lights in the scene (default lights are also turned off). I have never had this problem with the mentalray sky. Also is there any option in vray to utilize the same date/time factors that could be adjusted with mrsky/sun? (Such as making the scene at 7am for a sunrise sky/lighting) Thanks!