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Burning DVD to be read on pc & mac


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Have a question that I have been tring to figure out here for a while. Have a final presentation that is completed. created the DVD menus with DVD Architecture and burned it to a DVD-R & DVD+R disk. as far as I can tell, all the dvd players that I have put them both in as well as all the pc's i have can read both disks. but when I put it in the clients mac, it acts like we didn't even put in the disk.


any ideas?





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I am planning on taking it over to one of my other clients who has a mac laptop just collecting dust. Don't know why he ever bought it. been sitting for over a year. and see if it gives me any indication on if its the discs. I thought that I read somewhere that mac's are primarily DVD-R compatable.



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DVD's are trickey.. This happened to me awhile ago when I made a DVD gave it to a client, and it wouldn't play on his home DVD player. It played on all Computer DVD roms here at the office. Then I read an article on older DVD drives/players may not play burnt DVDs. Its just a matter of brand and age of that component.

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