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'Make preview' not working!


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Hi All


I use Animation/Make preview all the time to check camera paths but all of a sudden, when creating, it seems to render several still frames, then jump forward then render several still frames etc.. so you end up with an extremely jerky, and useless, preview. It seems to be nothing to do with the amount of geometry either and you can watch it happening on the timeslider as it records.


Has anyone had a similar problem or could take a guess as to why this is happening.


Any advice warmly welcomed.



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one thing i noticced about the "make preview" is that it uses the image of the viewport generated by the video card. If your video card is not very good it might have influence. The ammount of memory used by your system also has some influence, since it becomes harder and harder to update the viewport with photoshop, outlook, explorer etc openned. another problem happend when you aopen another window while creating the preview. It seems to record every image that overlaps the rendered area in the video.

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I have tried closing everything down apart from max, getting rid of most of the geometry and changing the graphics driver to software, opengl and direct3D - no joy so far.. It only starts to work properly again if you make it render every 10th frame..

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem here, actually, it seems to be a bug since MAX R.4.2, i didn't find any way to fix that.


MAX can't make a preview properly when the scene length is long, and there is no much geometry, if you try to make a simple (but long) scene with just a primitive box or a sphere, and animate it in about 3000+ frames, you will notice that max can't build a preview even if you choose a small range of frames (ex: 50 - 100 frames).


The problem is when you try to "Animation/Make preview" such a scene, it seems that max grabs several still frames, or drops frames.


if you move the time slider forward after frame 0, say to frame 25 for example, and make the preview range from (0 - 100) in a scene of 3000+ frames, you will notice that max will not start from frame 0, actually it will start from frame 25, and grab it many times before starts to grab the rest, and it will skip many other frames, and duplicates others.


I did tried that in many PCs with different configurations, and asked many other users to do so, we got the same result.


I did tried to switch modes between OpenGL, Direct3D, Software, and treid also to change the codec of the avi (tried all of available codecs in windows), and even sequence of jpeg and tga, and quick time movie,...etc... it was same result!


someone told me that it may take a long time to fix because it seems a reproduceable bug.


In the attached file, there is a very simple scene, and its avi result, please have a look to them.


So, what about creating a custom script for making preview? i think if there is a script grabs the frames from a viewport and takes the audio to make the avi, this will be a good solution until they fix that problem, do u know a such script? i did search in ScriptSpot, but didn't find that there.


thank you


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