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Unwanted shades


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I'm working on a model and there's an extruded spline with coplanar vertices that renders as if the vertex were not entirely coplanar. I'll explain it better.


It is a parking lot and the grass, with is totally flat shows a different shade (right on the edge between faces) where there shouln't be any change of shade. I double checked if the vertex were not coplanar and I tried replacing the UVW map but that didn't work. Please see the attached images.




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I have seen that before in 3 situations:


1. using a boolean operand more than twice.


2. vertcies are at different hights - make sure they are all on the same elevation - usually caused when using snap


3. if its just a plain extrude you might want to try increasing the extrusion from 0 to like 0.01mm, and make sure 2 sided is off


If you used a boolean, re make grass with one one boolean operand,

Or convert object to an editable mesh, and use the slice plane to cut more verticies in that area. Odd as that sounds, it has worked for me.

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I have seen that before in 3 situations:


1. using a boolean operand more than twice.


2. vertcies are at different hights - make sure they are all on the same elevation - usually caused when using snap


3. if its just a plain extrude you might want to try increasing the extrusion from 0 to like 0.01mm, and make sure 2 sided is off


If you used a boolean, re make grass with one one boolean operand,

Or convert object to an editable mesh, and use the slice plane to cut more verticies in that area. Odd as that sounds, it has worked for me.


1. I rarely use boolean because this an some other weird results. This model doesn't have any boolean at all.


2. I double checked this already, lets say I triple checked.


3. It has a 10cm extrusion. So this is not the case either.


Yesterday I applied an Smooth modifier on the stack and also changed VRay Irr Map settings from Medium-Animation to High. This is what happened (Check the attachments).


As you can see the yesterday triangles dissapeared but now I have new triangles.

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I've seen this problem before or one similar. Check to see if you have any extra vertices at the apex of each one of the strange triangles. If so try to weld them. If two vertices are on top of each other but you can't weld, you'll have to delete one which will cause a face to be deleted, you can then extrude the edge, basically creating a new plane to fill the void of the missing one, then weld the resulting vertices.


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I've seen this problem before or one similar. Check to see if you have any extra vertices at the apex of each one of the strange triangles. If so try to weld them. If two vertices are on top of each other but you can't weld, you'll have to delete one which will cause a face to be deleted, you can then extrude the edge, basically creating a new plane to fill the void of the missing one, then weld the resulting vertices.



Hey Thanks Rob! I totally missed that possibility. I'll check it right now. It seems to me it could be it.

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Are you rendering with default lighting or have you any lights?

if thers no lights maybe the default lighting is createing the odd shading?

or trying adding a subdived on your mesh with no iterations that way they all have the same smoothing group.

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Hmmm. The only other thing I can think of off hand has already been suggested, but smoothing groups can be a pain in the you know what so double check those and if the bad triangles are suppposed to be on the same plane as the rest (ie no grade to the land) then try selecting the bad triangle and the rest of the faces that are on the same plane and check "make planar". that's all I have without looking at the geometry.


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Are you rendering with default lighting or have you any lights?

if thers no lights maybe the default lighting is createing the odd shading?

or trying adding a subdived on your mesh with no iterations that way they all have the same smoothing group.


I'm using only a direct spot (my sun) and VRay's GI environment (Skylight).


I'll do the subdivisions thing and see what happens.


Sam: This is a VRay Material and doesn't have the faceted option.


I forgot to metion, I also have a VRay Displacement modifier on the stack to make the grass look like grass when the camera is closer.

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Ok, I turned VRayDisplacement Mod off and the triangles dissapeared. But I need it on!


I'm changing some parameters but, if there's anybody that have a clue on what to do...


Here is an image. Left side has Disp off. Right side is on.

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