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creating PS vp that will fit a rectangle for ploting a image.


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how do you create a ps vp for a random sized retangle for plotting an image.


example have a 3dface that encompasses an odd shaped parking lot. and need to produce an image that will fit the 3dface in viz... but can't seem to figure out how you could do this paper space....


as of now have to do a screen capture then crop it in photo shop...

of course everytime one does this it is slightly off from the last time..

if it could be set up in paper space.... no worry...


also, can't seem to recieve email notifications from replies on this forum???


thanks ahead...

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you can create a PS viewport using a polygon boundry

for whatever size and shape That you are needing To plot To




also and/or otherwise


if you can look for and download CutePDF (free) plot software

for autocad, Then you can plot to scale and Trim as needed in




just create The boundry before plotting and Trim in FotoChop later




i plot 2d Elevation lines at 300 dpi for a 36x24 sheet

Then import the colored VIZ renderings into the same PDF file


well it is a PSD file by Then

and use the PDF plot info as The background to match up the viz output


i Think That There is a (Free) ghostwriter component That goes with

The CutePDF writer which will automatically install into autocad plotting


we have This at work and i have also done This at home


it works


There are other PDF writers other Than CutePDF

This is just The one software That i am familiar with


go to google

go do google






(hey can i get a week free stay on one of The Islands?? subliminal hint goes here)

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