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Radeon 9600 Pro

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Just got this video card, and am completely disappointed.. I had a geforce2 MX400 that worked alot better.. I am having screen refresh problems.. I notice it more in Lightscape.. I will go to setup my camera, and the old camera settings will still be there.. I go to select parts of my scene, and connot deselect them, unless I move the view...


Any Ideas? I am usng the latest drivers.



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Generally in discreet applications (or old autodesk ones) radeon's aren't recommended.


The reason? The companies don't seem to test the radeons anywhere near as much as the nvidia cards.


One of my friends just bought a radeon 9800 pro and it was slower then his geforce2 mx in XSI.


All I can suggest is trying older/newer drivers.

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Im not sure if this is the same problem you're having, but I initially had refresh rate problems with my radeon 9600 pro. It was stuck at 60hz. I found this link here




You just need to disable DDC. Then you can specify a refresh rate higher than 60hz. Now it works like a toyota. Hope that helps.

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I've been using Lightscape alot still.. I have been tring to phase over to max 5 wih final render. but with some of my deadlines, I have not wanted to jump over mid project.. I will try D3D with max and see.. I will also try to load some of the older drivers also..


Thanks again,



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I can get higher refresh rates without a problem,, I am running 1600x1200 on one monitor and 1280x1024 on the other.. The problem that I am having right now is when I use lightscape, and go to the view setup. when you change the default camera angle, the previous view still shows up.. Also when you are working on a scene in lightscape and select some faces.. the only way to undo the selection is to move the camera.. the deselect button does not work.. The last thing that I would really like to do is hook up a third montior.. I have an older pci Matrox card, and a pci Jaton card, but didn't have any luck.. everytime I got it running, outlook and trillian would lock up and then I would get artifacts at the top of the third monitors screen.. So I have given up for right now on that...Would like to solve the first problem first, and go from there..





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Try the refresh from the drop down menu or F5 key. This should properly redraw the view.


I have a newer radeon 9800 128 pro, no problems. My old 9800 straignt up had some of the same problems. Another workstation I have still has this problem but it uses an A-open card.


Quick fix, maybe or until you can get the card issues worked out.




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