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Light changes color in render


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Hey all,


Ok, well...I have a client who wants a certain color siding on a house render, so I go to the siding website, get the exact color of the siding off of there, create it in photoshop and render it in VRAY. In photoshop, the siding still looks like the client wants, but VRAY blows it out and makes it more white. I realize that this is probably more realistic to exterior scenes...but it's not what the client wants. What is causing this?


I am using:


1 Directional light with 1.2 mulitplier at a pure white color

Vray Shadows

Architectural Material set as paint:semi gloss


Is this just something that is going to happen so I should fake it in the material...or do I change a setting in max?


The reason I ask and not just change the material and get it over with is because I'll be working with this client a lot and probably have this problem again with different siding, so I need to know what to do to rid myself of this issue.







PS. Don't pay attention to the way the shingles intersect on the 2 gables. It's out of view of the camera.

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It looks as tho the light intensity is burning out the image - thats why you get white. However, i don't think its a problem with you light setting, more likely that you have the exposure control set to Logerithmic.


try turning off the exposure control in the environment panel (press 8 for the shortcut, i think - if not its F8)


Good luck - also if your going to be using vray i'd suggest using the VRay material exclusively!



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One thing you could do for sure is to reduce Saturation (from 1.0 to something like 0.6 or so) which represents the amount of color bleeding. This will reduce the blue bleeding on the left side of the building. If you think that white is not what you want on the right side you could experiment with less intense lights, color lights, try to have the original texture/color darker, try to use vray or max exposure settings (I think that would be the right way).

It is quite an issue to balance the light in a render, not such an easy thing!

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do not use ARCH materials for v-ray, use v-ray material, decrease saturation in v-ray tab /0.7 or lower/, grass material is bleeding your colors too much, try direct light with multiplayer 1.0, decrease color threshold in v-ray tab, what is your other settings of render?.


- or override your grass material with VrayMtlWrapper and decrease Receive GI

- or in g-buffer turn on diffuse layer render it and use postprocess in photoshop

layers together /final render output and diffuse layer (and anothers layers from v-ray )/

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Since your direct light was pure white , the color of everything get white out, try change the color of direct light (light yellow, orange...). You should use Vray material. Do not use exposure control build-in Max , using exposure in Vray render setting, also try to change the Vray properties of that material (put the GI generate higher , maybe ...). Did you try Photoshop yet ? changing the color of sliding to yellow and adjusting brightness.



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Thanks for the advice guys....I am using Vray free, so that means no Vray materials, correct? Afterwards, I am exporting these to a 3D real-time engine for a color changer program...do VRAY materials export, or is it only compatiable with VRAY in max/viz?





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Thanks for the advice guys....I am using Vray free, so that means no Vray materials, correct? Afterwards, I am exporting these to a 3D real-time engine for a color changer program...do VRAY materials export, or is it only compatiable with VRAY in max/viz?





export vray materials? no. I do not remember any 3D VR engine accept Vray materials.

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