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7.5 radiosity making things egg-yellow!

Ricardo Eloy

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Everything is fine. Tried using simple standard mats, then tried with Advanced Lighting Override, and then Architectural Mats. Same results. The funny thing is that this scene is the one I use to teach radiosity and has been done by me like a thousand times (always on 7.0). Weird, weird...

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mate..this thing have nothing to do with upgrading..i guess, i used to have same problems before.when u use radiosity your exposure settings are set to logarethmic by default & that causes the yellow thingy...go to the environment menu & check things out..& change the logarethmic to no expodure...

hope this was helpful

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Already tested that. Nothing to do with the problem, I'm afraid. I tried Automatic, Pseudo-color, Linear and actually no exporure control at all and the yellow monster is still there. One thing that seemed to work was restarting my system. But, hey, that shouldn´t happen!

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I had that happen with VIZ 2005. Does it happen if you set the IES to Diffuse instead of using a file? I had sent a sample scene to Autodesk, explaining the bug, but I guess it's not solved yet. I can't remember exactly how I worked around it. It seemed to have something to do with objects set to not cast shadows in Advanced Lighting.

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Actually, what I meant was that I thought removing the shadows in Advanced Lighting caused the problem. I was trying to keep a bunch of diffuser fins from casting shadows in a luminaire.


I suspect this is an unpredictable bug that may not have a solution and will either show up or it won't.

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Very unpredictable, I may add. I was teaching radiosity to 7 students when I first crossed this bug. Nothing I did seemed to work, and just like it started, it would go away (not at the same time in all machines, of course). About the shadows, I guess that's not the problem, coz it happened either way. My guess was that the new Adaptive Subdivision feature introduced with 7.5 had something to do with it, since I had never seen anything like that before, but if you had the same problem with Viz 2005, my theory goes down the drain...

We could really use a help from Autodesk/Discreet/whatever-they-call-themselves' support now, huh? ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Well, Swapnil, I really appreciate your support, but the (old) problem is solved, already. It seems there was a bug regarding the lights in Max 7. The egg-yellow thing had something to do with the color Max assigns the light objects. Once I changed the color (object color), it worked.

Thanks, anyway.

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The egg-yellow thing had something to do with the color Max assigns the light objects. Once I changed the color (object color), it worked.

Hi, Angela. It's been a really long time since I stopped using radiosity, but this is what I did to solve the problem back then. Cheers!

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... It's been a really long time since I stopped using radiosity...


Thanks for your reply. I was reluctant to modify any of the IES sun parameters, but I'll give it a try.


It's seems that not many people are using radiosity today. At least there are old posts!!! Not much new stuff, and less with accurate lighting.


Thanks again, Angela

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Angela, you don't need to change the Sun's color. It's just the object color (right-click on the sun -> Object properties -> Color). The radiosity engine seemed to be taking the light color from the object's color instead of its regular parameters. Anyway, it's been a looooong time since I last messed with radiosity, which makes it a bit hard to remember every detail... ;)

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