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Our Job Summary...


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Hi all,


I was hoping you could help me fine tune the wording for my job summary, I work for a small firm but we're merging with a large company that wants my updated resume. Here's what I have:


Provided supplemental visual representation of architectural designs and concepts in various print and on-line media formats. Designed and provided award winning key graphic elements for final design presentation and marketing collaterals.


Any thoughts?



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Provided supplemental visual representation of architectural designs and concepts...



Supplemental? To what? You might want to define the 'representations' you do. Also, state how they are used, and what effect this has. Otherwise, how's someone to know why you are important?


Designed and provided award winning key graphic elements..


What awards? List them or take out the reference. Doesn't everybody and everything call themselves 'award-winning'? It has become less than meaningless. But if you can say you won something specific, it is worth listing.

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