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MR interior help needed from MJL

MJL Imaging

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VIZ 2005 with MR


this is done with GI only. I'm not sure which would be better,...GI or FG.

I need help with settings and was wondering if anyone would care to share.


I need some help figuring out what it takes to get more detail out of my crown mouldings and the profiles on the wainscotting.

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What size are you rendering? I often find that settings at small resolution causing artifacts and undersampling are quite adequate at large render sizes. However, its a while since ive used MR. I downloaded a shareware previewer for MR renders as well but I cant remewmber what its called. That made things ten times easier as it input great settings into the render panel for a range of different quality renders. Im sure a google or forum search will find it, good luck.


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ovsoc, replies like that are just downright unappropriate. The classic "read the manual" response is like saying the "one" first when giving out a phone number... or the "www" when giving out a web address...


MJL, If you are using FG, try adjusting it's minimumn radius to the size of the smallest detail in the room (around those trim profiles in particlular) and make sure you have plenty of photons and light energy. On your next post, please post your render settings and light settings so we can better help you.



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Thanks for the comments, I appreciate your help with this one.


here's another go at it...with the settings included.


Lights: MR area spots at the entry door and the window under the stair and lights in the living room (the room the cameras standing in) to fill the archway in the foreground.

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