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I have an animation project that I have rendered at a high resolution 1500x1100. I have created an AVI file to play with windows media player. After assembling the animation, I realized that you can not rewind an avi. I have used windows media encoder to achieve this; however it will not allow me to export the animation at the original resolution. I have exported the file as a Quicktime mov., but it is an 11 Gig file! I can not loose any resolution, but need a file that can be rewound smoothly. I have been using Adobe Premiere 6.0. What software should I be using, and is there anything that is cheap that would do the trick?

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The file does not play smoothly. So it is not a solution.



Ya, I wouldn't think so, I don't think even a 500mb file would play smoothly, have you considered VHS, I know it sounds like going backwards in technology, but it should work...

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I think you're wrong about that you can't rewind an AVI file.

Maybe you should try using other codecs, try to change the keyframe rate etc. I have lots of avi files that I can rewind, step backwards and forward etc.

You could also try wmv format?

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when you say rewind do you mean playing in reverse? I don't think you can do this with Media Player so QT probably IS your best bet.


Maybe give sorensen3 or photo jpeg codecs a try. Dropping the framerate could also help to play what is a large format - either by slowing the animation down or cutting out frames (this would reduce file size too). If the latter, you need to be careful to do this as a multiple of your original framerate or it will become jumpy and erratic.

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No, i do not need the animation to play in reverse, just be able to rewind. I have tested a smaller file as a quicktime file, and it worked right out of the box. It played smoothly, and I was able to rewind it smoothly. I am just trying to do that with windows media player. An avi out of the box does not rewind at all.

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No, i do not need the animation to play in reverse, just be able to rewind. I have tested a smaller file as a quicktime file, and it worked right out of the box. It played smoothly, and I was able to rewind it smoothly. I am just trying to do that with windows media player. An avi out of the box does not rewind at all.


In that case it is a codec/compression problem because you should be able to do that. Maybe try windows media video 9 - or reduce the size or frame rate - like I said before that's a very high res output for PC playback

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