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AMD Dual Core Issues?


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How many people are using the new AMD Dual Core's?


i got a new machine a few month's back when they hadn't been out too long and had problems from day one, in the end after a few months of messing around with suppliers i managed to have it replaced.....although it took another 2 months for them to get hold of a new machine!


having had the new machine - which was upgraded free of charge - i'm still not 100% sure about it, i now keep getting short hangs on the system, often when i try to access the main (top) menus such as file, edit etc. it never crashes but its becoming more annoying and i'm becoming more concerned that its down to the hardware than the processing being done at that particular moment, which to be honest shouldn't be a problem anyway.


anyone else had issues with amd dual core's - its the 1st one in our office and we've never had problems like this with our pentium machines, although i've never had these issue with my personal amd single core machines.



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i haven't installed the driver for amd dual core from there site, but the machine came from our IT supplier/contractor so would imagine they have, but i will double check on monday


Devin, no were using Normal XP, not sure if its home or professional off the top of my head.


is anyone using the dual core amd processors without any problem, at least that would give me some confidence that they are not fundamentally floored!

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I'm using it without any problems. I did have some problems before I got it stable though, but they were more related to the MB and video card drivers. I also had to flash the BIOS because it wouldn't run dual-core out-of-the-box. Then I had lots of stability problems with the onboard Gigabit NICs drivers as well as the nVidia drivers.

Now it's running smoothly, and I very rarely have a crash on my XP Pro-sp2 (32) system.

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We have 12 dual Opteron 275, and they've been great. The only time I've had a problem like yours was due to a faulty memory module. It was diagnosed as OK, so the problem persisted for months. Instability is usually memory, PSU, motherboard, or video driver related, with flaky software coming in 2nd. Make sure your PSU can handle the job (not just overall wattage, but is it putting out enough per rail?), and make sure you're not mixing memory types, speed, brand, ECC with non-ECC, etc. The CPUs are probably the least-likely cause of your issues. Good luck.

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i have a couple of Dual core X2 systems: Some issues but overall a Thumbs UP

A) the 9-15 second delay in opening max

B) issues with extremely long file open times VS resetting max and then opening a file

c) max not closing properly and using the end task 2 times


Irritating stuff but the dual cores rock





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Thanks all, sounds like there is hope yet!


checked the amd dual core driver as suggested by kris it appears that there is a newer version available so i'll install that - i only got the machine 2 weeks ago, virtually direct from fujitsu, our IT company had to wait 2 months for its arrival, what a joke that the driver date installed is from 2004.


I've already updated the Graphics driver, and may end up flashing BIOS, little dubbious about that tho as i shouldn't be doing anything really - contracted to IT comp, but they are next to useless on anything more advanced than basic networking, plus that seems to have been redone on a few occassions in the last couple of months! (excuse the rant! just fed up with nothing working and having to rely on a bunch of no marks!)


thanks again

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