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Hampton Inn (again) - CC Requested


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Hey all,


You've seen this image before. I've added some GI, more life, changed the sun angle, soft shadows, and more added effects. I have to run another render this weekend of it and am looking for some good CC before my final version is done.


Let me know. Software is Vue 5 and I'm trying to get the most realism I can. Thanks in advance.


EDIT: I know the pots are missing flowers and the front flowers in front of the fountain are in the air (stupid ecosystem problem). That's part of the reason there will be another render. This IS the WIP forum...

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Real quick question: what platform are you using for the model?


Philip makes a good point about the textures tiling. I also agree with him on the sky, however I think something a bit more dramatic and matches you lighting would be appropriate. Since the light source is coming from behind the view, the sky should match. I checked our library to see if there was anything that might help, but no go. I did find several that might work at Mayang's Free Textures:




I'm sure you'll know which sky would be best once you see it.


I would also suggest maybe adding a couple more cars and people. No doubt you already have that in mind. My last suggestion would be to pull the forground shadow up a bit more. I know you mentioned fading them back, but now the foreground is getting pretty flat. Maybe that's the goal: to focus more on the building.


Great work.

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  loydering said:


Real quick question: what platform are you using for the model?


Philip makes a good point about the textures tiling. I also agree with him on the sky, however I think something a bit more dramatic and matches you lighting would be appropriate. Since the light source is coming from behind the view, the sky should match. I checked our library to see if there was anything that might help, but no go. I did find several that might work at Mayang's Free Textures:




I'm sure you'll know which sky would be best once you see it.


I would also suggest maybe adding a couple more cars and people. No doubt you already have that in mind. My last suggestion would be to pull the forground shadow up a bit more. I know you mentioned fading them back, but now the foreground is getting pretty flat. Maybe that's the goal: to focus more on the building.


Great work.


I like the black backround idea. Definitely makes it stand out.


I'm changing the tiling brick to a newer brick with a bit brighter coarsing as that is what's making it not stand out enough.


I'll change the sky or use a different Vue sky. What is it that you guys don't like about it? Thanks for the link btw.


More cars and more people are definitely in the final. I'm waiting to puchase some procedural car paints before I add more cars.


As for the shadowing, did you mean I may want to have the sun be higher (more noonish) so that I get better shadows in the foreground?


Thanks for the CC. Everyone keep em comin!

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On the brick, if you are using a map, I would suggest going to procedural. There's a lot more control over the tiling. If you set the nuber of rows and columns high enough, the tiling disappears (or at least is not as obvious). Just be careful you don't go too high. Also, using "real-world coordinates" can be handy.

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  loydering said:
On the brick, if you are using a map, I would suggest going to procedural. There's a lot more control over the tiling. If you set the nuber of rows and columns high enough, the tiling disappears (or at least is not as obvious). Just be careful you don't go too high. Also, using "real-world coordinates" can be handy.


I picked a rose brick from the Belken Brick Generator. It shouldn't tile like it did before.


Do you use Vue?

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No, but I'd love to use Vue5 sometime. I've seen some real slick stuff from it. We were looking at it primarily for the foliage generation, but went with OnyxTree instead (works right in max). We need to keep the "pipeline" in mind when puchasing software and right now the goal is to keep it as simple as possible.

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i was just about to ask if you were planning on using a brick generator as you discovered the last time you posted this. sounds like you are. this is needed in the building in the left foreground too. a major thing that i'm suprized nobody mentioned, is the green canopies and the main entry covering. that green is killing the scene. it looks so unnatural. your modeling is great, lighting is ppretty good, compo is getting there, but seriously, that green needs some serious specular highlights or something to make it look convincing. i assume it is metal right? not sure what renderer your using, but if your using standard mats, try like specular-90 and diffuse-10.

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  Timothy Saunders said:
i was just about to ask if you were planning on using a brick generator as you discovered the last time you posted this. sounds like you are. this is needed in the building in the left foreground too. a major thing that i'm suprized nobody mentioned, is the green canopies and the main entry covering. that green is killing the scene. it looks so unnatural. your modeling is great, lighting is ppretty good, compo is getting there, but seriously, that green needs some serious specular highlights or something to make it look convincing. i assume it is metal right? not sure what renderer your using, but if your using standard mats, try like specular-90 and diffuse-10.


Will do on all of this.


There are already new bricks using the brick gen. Looks MUCH better. I'll fix the green as well.

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ew..sorry about the artifacts in that image. crappy compression. see how the trelous on the left is more specular than the on right in fromt of the camera? there should be some way to achieve specular hilights in vue right?


and what brian is talking about is leveling out the camera and simply render the image taller. then crop after it renders.

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Do I adjust it horizontally, vertically, or both?


Having never used vue I can't say for sure but you probably need to adjust the vertical pixels. The width will be determined by your camera settings and if you add more height in your rendering ouput you will in essence be adding more foreground and sky. You can then crop out the undesired foreground.

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  loydering said:


Good to see some of Lowpolygon3D people in there. How do you like thim?

I downloaded one from AXYZ but couldn't get more than one. Weird.


yeah i'm for sre sold. all axyz has for free is one sample, but i love her. i think i'm going with them. brian has me thinking about got3d as well. sorry to steel your thread ryan. you can have it back now.

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  Timothy Saunders said:
yeah i'm for sre sold. all axyz has for free is one sample, but i love her. i think i'm going with them. brian has me thinking about got3d as well. sorry to steel your thread ryan. you can have it back now.


Haha. I'm finished with it.


I think the Got3D people look nice. Dont got the cash for that yet tho.

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