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When ya gotta glow...

jr MOon

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Can someone please tell me a how to get the glow effects in the attached image. I got it from the tutorials section, but the tutorial was on a different subject. Im sure it's something simple, but I've never done it or seen someone else do it so I don't know how. A step-by-step would be great. Thnk you

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I was under the impression that these light effects were rendered in Max. In the tutorials section I see a couple tutorials on lighting which use words like ambient only and negative shadows. I know where these settings are in Max but I'm obviously not using them correctly. I want to acheive that light glow on the window seal, but I keep getting a lighted circle on the wall surrounding the window. I love the flouresant glow on my previous attchment but have no idea how to get it in Max. I'm certified in Photoshop cs and can make these glows all day long, I was just hoping for some more experience with 3d lighting. thanks

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I'm not sure how the tutorial did it, but I assume it was just a Glow effect via the Lense Effect feature.


You can access this feature by clicking on Rendering from the top menu bar, then click on Effects, then add a Lense Effect, then select Glow. Read the help file for more info on this feature. It's a bit of a pain to work with at first, but once you know what you're doing (such as ID chanels so the Glow feature will know exactly which objects to apply the glow to), it's fairly easy to use.


I am almost certain the size parameters are relative to the final rendering size, so if you're rendering at 3000x2000, you'll use different sizes than if you're rendering at 300x200.

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here is how it was done in Max : Go to 'Effects' menu , add 'Lens Effects'. In 'Lens effects parameter' , add 'Glow'.


In 'Glow Element' : parameter , size 0.7, intensity 40 , check 'glow behind' as well.


In 'Option' : image sourse, check 'effect ID' , the number of ID is the materials which you want them have glow effect (you have to assign the same ID in your materials too).


Good luck.

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