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Dead Slow

Matt Sugden

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Hi I've just put together a new PC,


AMD X2 4400 proc

4 Gb Kingston Memory

Asus A8N Sli Deluxe

and 7800Gt gfx card


The system in Max is running incredibly slowly, in particular the graphics side of things,I'm getting the hour glass clock pretty much every time I do anything?


This system should be FAST, and certainly much faster than my old one, any ideas where to start? Afaik i have all the most recent gfx card/ mobo drivers etc?


any help would be aprreciated, i feel a bit dissapointed at the mo. :(

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That's almost exactly what my new workstation is that we built a couple months ago -- though I only have half the RAM. I've clocked it at a solid 30-50% faster (scene depending) than our 2ghz dual Athlons. The only problem I've experienced has been Max hanging on start for an extra 5-10 seconds, but that's been widely reported by X2 users.


How is your RAM configured? I assume you have two sticks since it's DDR -- maybe try pulling one and trying the machine again? It could be any number of things, but I'd test the RAM out first.



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max is using open GL (nvidia corp version 2.0.1)

nvidia desktop manger v 110.05 which as far as I know is the latest.


At the moment the Ram is 4 1xgb sticks? is this a bad thing? Set up at 400 mhz.


bizarrely the system seems to get slower with time, almost if the cpu or gpu is getting bogged down, when exiting from screensaver it can take almost a minute to come back to life???


Something I'd read about getting the whole 4 gb working mentioned switching off the page file, so I'm just about to try this, otherwise xp is only seeing 3 gb of it. Bios is seeing al 4 though.

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