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3ds max,vray kitchen, lighting problems!


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hi guys. This is my latest project. I'm modelling my kitchen.


Please ignore the low quality of the render. As you can see there isnt enough light hitting the cupboards under the large left side window. Therefore, are no highlights on the cupboards and they look flat. My light setup so far is:


direct light as sunlight - 1.0 multiplier

large windows - 1.5

small right window - 0.5

light behind camera - 3

free point photmetric light - cd, 1,000 in middle of room


As you can see, I have used a ligt behind the camera where there is actually a door to shine some light into the dark area but I dont want to increase it anymore to avoid hot spots on the surrounding objects. I also dont wan to increase the other vray lights to avoid hotspots on the ceiling.


I used exponential color mapping with bright and dark multiplier set to 2.0


Any ideas how I can get around this problem


Thanks alot



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so far it looks really good. i don't know if you have seen any of chris' gnomon workshop videos, but he adresses a cool technique of mimmicking what you would do in real-world photography when you need more light. reflect it or bounce it. so you can simply position a plane tilted upward and towards your dark areas and assign a white material to it. then in the vray properties of the plane, just crank up the generate gi value to 3 or more if needed. this has worked very well for me in a number of occasions.

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  Timothy Saunders said:
so far it looks really good. i don't know if you have seen any of chris' gnomon workshop videos, but he adresses a cool technique of mimmicking what you would do in real-world photography when you need more light. reflect it or bounce it. so you can simply position a plane tilted upward and towards your dark areas and assign a white material to it. then in the vray properties of the plane, just crank up the generate gi value to 3 or more if needed. this has worked very well for me in a number of occasions.


That's a good little tip Tim. Been meaning to buy those DVD's

Lets see what Santa brings this year!



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Hi tim. thanks for tip. I am hopefully getting the vray interior tutorial dvd for xmas. However I really need to get this doen before then. COuld you please give some more detail on the technique. I create a normal polygon plane tilted upward infront of the camera towards the dark cupboards and make this white so it reflects bright light? Do you have to make it invisble to the camera? where are GI settings for the plane?


thanks again



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yeah you've got it. position your plane, and give a white material to it. select the plane, right cligk, and under vray properties, increase the "generate GI value. start with 3 or so. and yes, if you see it, uncheck visible to camera in the regular object properties (not the vray properties). also uncheck cast shadows and visible to reflect/refract.

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