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Upgrading: from Viz to Max?

Dan J

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Is there still an upgrade route for Viz to Max?

Is it just the difference in the pricing and the subscription or will I need to purchase a new license for Max?

At one time there was this option and I guess it would still be available. Has anyone done this?

I know its not a huge cost difference and I understand what the trade offs are, but the new company I'm with would like to stretch the $$ flow.


Thanks for the replies.

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I did this very thing from VIZ 2005 to max 7. You might have to have the subscription service to do this, but I got max 7.5 and then 8 as soon as they came out because of the subscription. I'm pretty sure the cost was just the difference between the 2 programs, if your company works with an Autodesk reseller, just give them a call, they will give you all the numbers.

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