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Hey everyone! I need to see if I could get some help locating some really good-looking people in swimsuits for a project we are working on. I’ve looked at the RPC resort people and those are pretty weak… Any suggestion on where I might be able to find these?



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help locating some really good-looking people in swimsuits for a project we are working on.


The Sports Illustrated website has a lot of pictures. Although they may have put them into a pay area. It used to be in a free area. You would have to modify them to make any use, I suppose.


One of the image sites, I think it was 'got3d' put up a gallery of free images this fall and there were a bunch of beach shots. Look there first.

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Tried the got3D...





You can find piles of high-res photos of college students on spring break on sites like Flicr and WebShots, but like the Si pictures you would need to clear copyright issues by doing enough modification, assuming that's even enough. The Got3D pics are free.

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If you have the budget you could shoot them yourself. Depending upon how many you need it does not need to be that expensive.


I was so close to getting a job where we were being asked to do a topless shoot for a Las Vegas condo project. They wanted topless women, bikini women, and night club women. Ironicly in the end it was this shoot that killed the project as it was going to cost around 20-30K just for the photoshoot, processing. But that was also 30 models.

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